A Guide to Intuition

In addition to our five senses of touch, smell, sight, taste & sound - another sense exists - one that we often have a hard time explaining or struggle to put our finger on where in the body it originated or where the information has come from. Sometimes we describe it as a gut feeling or a sixth sense; an intuitive knowing that bypasses the logical aspect of the mind-brain network and feeds us information.
While for all five sense there needs to be a known external, the sixth sense or intuition works very differently. Sometimes known as our inner compass or an inner voice – we gain immediate understanding and just know.

Becoming more in tune or intuitive and paying more attention to our inner voice covers everyday things like:
- Helping to map out our true purpose: What is our soul’s purpose? What leaves us feeling inspired, motivated & fulfilled?
- Increase our self-awareness: How are we really feeling? Cutting through surface level emotions and identifying if we are acting from a place of fear or love?
- Identify our own beliefs: compared to what is outside noise/influences. How do we view a situation or decision? If we can sit with thoughts that are purely our own, we can form decisions that align with our true self.
- Connect to a higher power: Whatever your belief system, developing intuition can help you become more in tune with this higher power. Mindfulness, exercise, breathing techniques, nature, or asking for guidance are ways to allow your higher power to impart intuitive wisdom.

- Become more in tune with our physical and energetic body: Are we ignoring aches or pains? Do we need more sleep, better food? Do we need to slow down and take time out to rest and recharge?
- Heal and renew our energy: Identify when we have taken on energy of those around us or held on to past experiences. Tuning into our energy (or what we have held on to that is not ours to take on) can help release blockages, balance the chakras and heal our energetic/emotional wounds.
- Guide us in making big decisions: like relocating or changing careers. What changes would we make if we listened to the gut feelings we had and followed our internal GPS system?

4. Pendulums are an ancient divination tool that work with the energy of our bodies and our higher self. We can work with a pendulum to help guide, clarify, or gain insight into different aspects of our lives. We can ask the pendulum questions and answers will be yes/no depending on the way it moves in response to the question
5. Other divination tools such as reading tea leaves, scrying, palmistry or runes can be very useful in determining the answers we seek, as they push us from a logical mind into an intuitive one.
6. The third eye chakra governs our intuition, psychic powers, and higher knowing. It attunes us to the universe and allows us to tap into its wisdom; therefore, it manages our levels of insight, inspiration, and imagination. Otherwise known as the brow chakra, the third eye chakra serves as our inner eye and it perceives the subtle energies around us. Ways to balance this chakra include yoga, meditation, crystals like amethyst, lapis lazuli, K2, labradorite and lepidolite and essential oils like lavender, sandalwood, lemon and our Sacred blend
7. Help tap into intuition through forms of divination like using tarot and oracle cards. Sometimes our intuition is tapping into a higher knowing without prior confirmation. We may not have any certainty around the information, but it is information gained in our best interest and our highest good. It is recognised by an intangible ringing, knowing or feeling, but cannot be fully explained by logic. A great intuitive reading brings about understanding, clarity and a true sense of peace and alignment. To learn more about how to use oracle & tarot cards, click here.
Tips for Strengthening Intuition
1. Make room for clear thinking, removing negative emotions or negative energy and create a sacred space with items that inspire calm, creativity and a positive energy.
2. Solitude turns down the ‘clamour’ of the world and allows ourselves to tune into our intuition. Our intuition is always sending warnings and encouragement but often we are too busy to notice. By focusing our thoughts on our own experience in the present moment, mindfulness reduces mental clutter and makes way for us to connect with your intuition. One of the best ways to do this is through mindfulness or meditation.
3. Intuitive journaling is a form of writing meditation; a way to calm the mind and gain clarity, it can also be a powerful exercise in strengthening the connection to the self. Taking guidance from intuition can often require great faith, because the puzzle pieces do not necessarily fit together, until in hindsight. Therefore, is it helpful to journal or record the readings we complete to be able to reflect on them in the future.

4. Pendulums are an ancient divination tool that work with the energy of our bodies and our higher self. We can work with a pendulum to help guide, clarify, or gain insight into different aspects of our lives. We can ask the pendulum questions and answers will be yes/no depending on the way it moves in response to the question.
5. Other divination tools such as reading tea leaves, scrying, palmistry or runes can be very useful in determining the answers we seek, as they push us from a logical mind into an intuitive one.
6. The third eye chakra governs our intuition, psychic powers, and higher knowing. It attunes us to the universe and allows us to tap into its wisdom; therefore, it manages our levels of insight, inspiration, and imagination. Otherwise known as the brow chakra, the third eye chakra serves as our inner eye and it perceives the subtle energies around us. Ways to balance this chakra include yoga, meditation, crystals like amethyst, lapis lazuli, K2, labradorite and lepidolite and essential oils like lavender, sandalwood, lemon and our Sacred blend.
7. Help tap into intuition through forms of divination like using tarot and oracle cards. Sometimes our intuition is tapping into a higher knowing without prior confirmation. We may not have any certainty around the information, but it is information gained in our best interest and our highest good. It is recognised by an intangible ringing, knowing or feeling, but cannot be fully explained by logic. A great intuitive reading brings about understanding, clarity and a true sense of peace and alignment. To learn more about how to use tarot and oracle cards, click here.