Black Obsidian
While other protective crystals like Black Tourmaline & Black Onyx work as a shield, Black Obsidian’s powerful protective qualities work by absorbing negative energies from our environments & ourselves -keeping us safe from psychic attacks and helping us to not take on any negativity that we may encounter. Important to cleanse regularly, Obsidian can help keep up a positive energy & cleansed aura and is a great crystal for empaths. A natural glass of volcanic origin, it is said that Obsidian can also act as a mirror – helping us uncover thoughts and patterns that are inhibiting our spiritual growth and encourage us to let go and clear these patterns. It can encourage us to pursue new opportunities, letting go of fear of the unknown and rather encourages us to see this exploration of the unknown as an exciting new horizon. It can assist in feeling supported and confident in who we truly are and can help bring mental clarity (great to use in meditation or when setting goals or intentions). It can also help draw out tension and worry - making it an excellent stone to use in times of stress as it has an incredibly grounding effect.
Chakra: Base.
Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius